Set up Obsidian URI handling on Linux

Obsidian has a cool API where you can construct Obsidian URIs to issue various commands. The way it works is that you have a URI like this:


When opened with Obsidian, this opens a note called “my note” in a vault called “my vault” (if it exists). This works if you enter the above URL into any web browser.

Each operating system has a different way to support such URIs. In Linux, this mechanism is called XDG.

Note: you must have a desktop / GUI environment for this to work - no headless servers.

There are two options on how to set up Obsidian UI handling on Linux: you can set it up for a particular user (especially useful if you’re using a Linux machine that’s managed by someone else, for example at work) or for everyone. Choosing the second option requires root access.

Note: The single-user guide currently doesn’t work for Chrome for some reason. Waiting for answers on my Unix & Linux Stack Exchange question: Custom URI handling: xdg-open and Firefox work, but Chrome doesn’t
If anyone has any leads into how to solve this, I’d appreciate it if you could share your findings in the comment section below.

Setting Up URI Handling for a Single User

 1. Install dependencies if needed:

$ sudo apt install xdg-utils desktop-file-utils

 2. Download the latest Obsidian [[AppImage]] file from the Obsidian homepage and put it somewhere where you can reference later1. We’ll use ~/obsidian/, but this can be anywhere you’d like:

$ mkdir -p ~/obsidian
$ wget -O ~/obsidian/Obsidian.AppImage

 3. Optional: download an image file to serve as an icon (thanks Craig from the Obsidian Discourse!):

wget -O ~/obsidian/icon.png

 4. Give the AppImage execute permission:

$ chmod +x ~/obsidian/Obsidian.AppImage

 5. Run the AppImage file:

$ ~/obsidian/Obsidian.AppImage

The Obsidian GUI should open up. Make sure you either already have a vault or create a new one. I’m assuming below that the vault name is notes, change to whatever vault name you used accordingly. You can close Obsidian now.

 6. Let’s make sure that nothing is currently trying to open obsidian:// URIs:

$ xdg-open "obsidian://new?vault=notes&name=note&content=content"
gio: obsidian://new?vault=notes&name=note&content=content: The specified location is not supported

Cool. That’s how we’ll check that everything works when we’re done (the quotes are there so the shell doesn’t parse the & character).

 7. Now we’ll create a .desktop file for our AppImage file. We’ll put it under ~/.local/share/applications/. First, make sure the directory exists :

$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications/

 8. Now let’s write our file. Create a new file called obsidian.desktop in the above directory with the following content:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/rachum/obsidian/Obsidian.AppImage %u

Some notes on the .desktop file:

 9. Run the following2 to read our newly created obsidian.desktop file (if things break for some reason and you’re trying to debug this process, you can add the -v flag to have more detailed output):

update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/

 10. Make sure everything works by running xdg-open again:

$ xdg-open "obsidian://new?vault=notes&name=note&content=content"

This should open the Obsidian UI focused on the newly-created note:

Setting Up URI Handling for All Users

The above instructions are for setting up Obsidian URI handling for your own user. If you want to set it up for all users, make the following changes:


  1. Obsidian AppImage binaries check for updates on each run, so it’s generally safe to omit the version from the file name. ↩︎

  2. The XDG Base Directory Specification claims that “$XDG_DATA_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user-specific data files should be stored. If $XDG_DATA_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.local/share should be used.” However, I found through experimentation that this isn’t the case. Because of this, we’ll manually specify the directory when calling update-desktop-database↩︎

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